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Unleash Chaos and Challenge Your Heroes with Sinister NPCs and Villain Inspiration

Welcome to the Nova City Villains page, where you'll find a diabolical collection of adversaries and ne'er-do-wells to challenge your superheroes in your Mutants & Masterminds games set in the thrilling world of Nova City.


Cosmic Villains

Whether you're a Gamemaster in search of menacing NPCs to test your players or a player seeking inspiration for a morally ambiguous anti-hero, our gallery of Nova City Villains provides an extensive range of characters to fuel your stories.


Encounter a Sinister Array of Foes: Nova City is a hotbed for villainy, with a diverse assortment of evildoers, each possessing their unique powers, schemes, and motivations. From masterminds plotting world domination to fearsome rogues driven by vengeance, our list of Nova City Villains caters to all types of campaigns and playstyles.




On this page, you will find detailed profiles for each villain, including their:


  • Dark Origins: Uncover each character's descent into villainy, delving into their motivations, personal tragedies, and the events that forged them into the sinister figures they are today.


  • Powers & Abilities: Explore the dangerous abilities, skills, and talents that make each villain a formidable foe and a constant threat to the heroes of Nova City.


  • Personality & Alliances: Discover the character's quirks, beliefs, and connections to other villains or NPCs in the city, adding depth and complexity to their role in your story.




Confront Classic Villains or Create Your Own Nemeses: Utilize our extensive list of Nova City Villains to find the perfect antagonist for your campaign or as inspiration for devising your own original evildoer. Customize these characters to suit your narrative, tailor their abilities to challenge your players, or mix elements from multiple villains to craft a truly unique adversary.


Thugs and Stooges


Collaborate and Expand the World of Villainy in Nova City: The Nova City Villains page is not only a resource for discovering new characters but also a hub for collaborative creativity. Share your own villain concepts, suggest new additions to our list, or provide feedback on the existing roster.

Together, we can continue to develop and enrich the world of Nova City, making it an even more thrilling and immersive setting for your Mutants & Masterminds adventures.


Embrace the dark side of Nova City and unleash chaos upon its heroes with our diverse range of villains. With a vast array of sinister characters to challenge your players and drive your stories, the stage is set for unforgettable confrontations and epic showdowns.

So, delve into the shadows, master the art of villainy, and make your mark on Nova City!

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