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Midnight City

Midnight City.png

Nestled along the shores of the Delaware Sound, this once-great metropolis has become a shadow of its former self, caught in a perpetual night and haunted by the echoes of a bygone era.


Midnight City was born from a nightmare—a rogue missile strike, intended for New York but finding its mark in Atlantic City, New Jersey. The ensuing devastation created a vast and lingering storm, the Ashen Ring, which settled over what was once called Victory City. The destruction that raged across the world ended, but the storm never lifted, casting the city into an eternal midnight.


Once a beacon of industrial might and patriotic fervour, the city's harbours sent forth battleships to secure victory in a prolonged and bloody war. Its factories roared with life, its streets bustled with hope. But the very energies that fuelled those triumphs turned against it, twisting it into a cold, grey place filled with despair, madness, and darker horrors.


For Game Masters and players eager to explore a setting rich in storytelling potential, Midnight City offers a complex tapestry of urban decay, supernatural phenomena, and human resilience. The city's districts, each bearing the scars of history, beckon with adventure and secrets. Harbinger Harbour's rusting hulks tell tales of lost glory, while the Shrouded Forest whispers with unseen threats.


Characters may find themselves drawn into political intrigues in Roosevelt Square, or tempted by the dark desires of Crimson Street. They may seek knowledge at Midnight City University or dare to traverse the haunted Phantom Piers. Throughout it all, the Ashen Ring looms, a constant reminder of the city's isolation and the unseen forces at play.


Midnight City is more than a backdrop; it's a living, breathing entity, filled with opportunities for heroism, treachery, romance, and discovery. It invites you to lose yourself in its shadows, to unearth its secrets, and to become a part of its enduring legend. Whether a seasoned adventurer or a curious newcomer, your journey into Midnight City promises to be unforgettable. Welcome to the dark. Welcome to Midnight City.


Key locations


  1. Harbinger Harbour: The main harbour where battleships and airships were once constructed. It's now filled with decaying hulks and defunct cranes, a haunting reminder of its past glory.

  2. The Ashen Ring: The perpetual storm that surrounds Midnight City, filled with mysterious energies and dark phenomena. It's become a symbol of the city's isolation and despair.

  3. War Memorial Park: A vast area dedicated to the lost souls of the great Axis War, featuring monuments, statues, and plaques, many of which have become vandalized or weathered.

  4. The Iron District: This was the heart of industry, now filled with abandoned factories and rusting machinery. Some have been taken over by criminal organizations or repurposed into unconventional living spaces.

  5. Phantom Piers: Once bustling shipyards, now filled with spectral echoes and rumored to be haunted by the ghosts of workers who died during the war.

  6. Midnight City University: An institution struggling to bring knowledge and hope to a dark city, offering courses in both conventional subjects and research into the strange energies affecting the area.

  7. The Shadow Markets: A network of black markets dealing in rare and exotic goods, often connected to the mystical or bizarre phenomena surrounding the city.

  8. Ragnarok Ruins: The remnants of structures and areas directly affected by the Devastator warhead, filled with anomalies and dangerous radiation.

  9. Victory Heights: The residential district that once housed the thriving workforce, now filled with dilapidated buildings, poverty, and crime.

  10. Sentinel Tower: A looming military installation, home to the control centers of the Sentinel Missiles. It stands as a grim reminder of the city's military might.

  11. Lantern Lake: A mysterious body of water within the city that never reflects the light, rumored to have strange properties and attract bizarre creatures.

  12. Crimson Street: The entertainment district turned red-light area, filled with bars, clubs, and theaters that cater to the city's darker desires.

  13. Munition Row: A series of warehouses and storage facilities once used for storing munitions and war supplies, now repurposed or abandoned.

  14. Pharo Institute Annex: A research facility focused on understanding the strange energies and phenomena surrounding Midnight City.

  15. The Watchers' Keep: The police headquarters, struggling to maintain law and order in a city overrun with madness, violence, and corruption.

  16. Mourning Hospital: A medical center known for its grim atmosphere and mysterious disappearances, dealing with both conventional ailments and strange afflictions.

  17. Dusk Railway Station: An interconnected railway system that once connected the entire city, now partially in ruins, but still used by those daring enough to travel through the city's shadows.

  18. The Shrouded Forest: A dark and twisted forest at the outskirts of the city, filled with strange creatures and bizarre plants, often avoided by locals.

  19. Roosevelt Square: The city's main political center, where decisions are made, but often influenced by shadowy figures and hidden interests.

  20. The Coven’s Nexus: A hidden area known only to those practicing dark arts and mystical studies, serving as a hub for the city's supernatural community.







  • October: The Devastator missile hits Atlantic City, and the Ashen Ring forms around Victory City, transforming it into Midnight City.

  • November: Initial relief efforts begin, with the Federal Government promising support and reconstruction. Panic sets in as the permanent storm settles.


  • Ongoing Decline: As the years pass, the city's industries begin to wither. Factories close, unemployment rises, and crime starts to become a serious issue. Federal efforts to stimulate the economy are ineffective.


  • January: Launch of a major Federal initiative to rejuvenate Midnight City, including infrastructure projects, but the Ashen Ring's effect dampens all efforts.

  • December: The rejuvenation initiative fails, leaving the city in even more debt and disrepair.


  • Rise of Crime Syndicates: Criminal organizations thrive in the failing city, and corruption seeps into political structures.


  • Creation of Watchers' Keep: In response to rising crime, the police headquarters are fortified, but the underlying issues remain unresolved.


  • Years of Neglect: The city continues its downward spiral with high poverty rates, widespread urban decay, and failed social programs. Federal interest wanes as other priorities take precedence.


  • 50th Anniversary of Ashen Ring: A solemn commemoration takes place, bringing national attention to the city's plight, but little substantial aid.


  • Ongoing Crisis: Occasional federal interventions are either misguided or underfunded, leading to further decline. The city becomes a symbol of federal ineptitude.


  • Rise of the Supernatural: Mysterious phenomena and supernatural occurrences become more pronounced, attracting both researchers and thrill-seekers.


  • Failed Redevelopment Plan: A significant federal investment to revitalize key districts ends in scandal and mismanagement, leading to public outrage.


  • COVID-19 Impact: The pandemic hits Midnight City hard, exacerbating existing health and economic issues.


  • Present Day: Midnight City stands as a dark and haunted place, a testament to failed promises and lost potential. Despite some vibrant subcultures and ongoing human resilience, the city's core problems remain unsolved.

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