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Nova City: A Brief History


(1949-21st Century)


1949: The Birth of Nova City

After the attack by a Nazi devastator missile in 1947, the ruins of Atlantic City are transformed into the innovative and futuristic Nova City. Designed by the brilliant Alden Carson, the city's foundations consist of nine interlocking circular 'wheels', sparking speculations of alien influence.


1950s: A City of Promise

Nova City quickly becomes a symbol of hope and resilience in post-war America. The unique design attracts engineers, scientists, and entrepreneurs from around the world, who bring with them cutting-edge technology and innovations. This decade sees the establishment of the city's major institutions, such as Nova University and the Carson Institute of Technology.


1960s: A Cultural Revolution

Nova City embraces the cultural changes of the 1960s and becomes a hub for artists, musicians, and writers. The city's architecture and infrastructure continue to evolve, blending futuristic designs with the growing counterculture movement. During this time, the first super heroes and mutants begin to emerge, making Nova City their home.


1970s: Economic Turmoil and the Rise of Crime

The global economic recession of the 1970s impacts Nova City, leading to increased unemployment and social unrest. The city's crime rate soars, and the emergence of powerful crime syndicates forces the superheroes and mutants to band together to protect the citizens. The Nova City Police Department also establishes its Metahuman Division during this period.


1980s: Recovery and Technological Advancements

As the economy recovers, Nova City experiences a technological boom. New industries and research centers establish themselves within the city, and the world's leading tech companies flock to the area. The city's skyline becomes dominated by gleaming skyscrapers, while the Metahuman Division works closely with the superheroes to combat crime and maintain order.


1990s: The Rise of the Internet and the Digital Age

Nova City fully embraces the rise of the internet, becoming a hub for technology start-ups and digital innovation. This attracts both heroes and villains with technological expertise, leading to high-stakes battles over the control of the city's digital landscape.


2000-2010: Environmentalism and a New Generation of Heroes

As the new millennium dawns, Nova City faces the consequences of rapid urbanization and industrialization, prompting a focus on sustainability and green initiatives. A new generation of heroes and mutants arises, committed to protecting both the city and the environment. In response, villains adapt and devise new strategies to challenge the heroes.


2011-2021: A City United Against Global Threats

In the face of global threats, such as terrorism and climate change, the citizens of Nova City unite, showcasing the power of resilience and cooperation. The city continues to innovate, finding new ways to harness renewable energy and integrating smart city technologies. Nova City becomes a model for cities around the world and a symbol of hope for the future.


Throughout its history, Nova City has been a beacon of progress and a battleground for heroes and villains. Its unique design and extraordinary inhabitants make it a fascinating setting for your superhero mutants and Masterminds game.

From Devastation to Supremacy



Alden Carson's vision for Nova City was fuelled by his desire to create a city that could withstand the threats of mass destruction and promote innovation. His belief in divine geometry and the power of sacred flow led him to incorporate the interlocking wheels into the city's design.

Unbeknownst to Carson, the sacred flow principles he followed had otherworldly origins. The Sybaris Mages, time-traveling interdimensional beings, were the ones who initially discovered and practiced these geometric designs, drawing upon the cosmic energy of The Knowing, a galactic intelligence that guided their actions.


The Sybaris Mages, aware of the potential devastation that could be unleashed upon Earth, sought to protect humanity by subtly influencing architects like Carson. By implementing the ancient art of sacred flow into their designs, they hoped to create cities that could channel cosmic energy and foster the development of advanced technologies that could ensure humanity's survival.


As a result, Nova City became a unique focal point for cosmic energy, and the interlocking wheels took on a life of their own. The intersections of the wheels, where the energy was most concentrated, became doorways to other worlds and dimensions. These portals, accessible only to those who understood the secrets of the Sybaris Mages, allowed travel between realities and offered glimpses of alternate futures.


As the years passed, Nova City's heroes and villains became aware of the hidden power within the city's design. Some sought to harness this energy for their own purposes, while others aimed to protect the delicate balance between worlds. The struggle for control over these interdimensional doorways became a central aspect of the conflicts that shaped the city's history.


In your superhero mutants and Masterminds game, the Sybaris Mages and the doorways created by the interlocking wheels can serve as intriguing plot elements that drive the story forward. Players can discover the secrets behind Nova City's design, ally with or fight against the Sybaris Mages, and explore the fascinating alternate dimensions connected to the city.


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