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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Five Mutants and Masterminds Powersuit Backgrounds

The billionaire playboy inventor is a classic archetype in superhero fiction, with Tony Stark being perhaps the most famous example. It's easy to see the appeal of such a character: not only do they have amazing tech at their disposal, but they are also rewarded handsomely for it. However, in other role-playing games, this kind of wealth can upset the dynamics of the game. In D&D, for example, one character having a castle while their comrades struggle financially can create tension. In Mutants and Masterminds RPG, however, the power dynamic is quite different. In a world where people can fly, walk through walls, and fire energy bolts from their eyes, the riches of a character like Tony Stark mean little in practical terms. That's why, in this article, we'll explore a variety of different background ideas for powersuit gadgeteers in Mutants and Masterminds RPG, showing that there's more to this archetype than just the billionaire inventor trope.

So, why bother exploring different backgrounds for powersuit gadgeteers when the Tony Stark-type billionaire is so iconic? For starters, a variety of backgrounds can make for a more interesting and dynamic game. It allows players to explore different motivations, challenges, and relationships that can lead to more engaging storytelling. Additionally, it can help players break free from the "cookie-cutter" mold and create truly unique characters that stand out from the crowd.

Furthermore, Mutants and Masterminds RPG is a game that encourages creativity and flexibility in character creation. The rules are designed to allow players to create a wide variety of powers, abilities, and gadgets to suit their vision of their character. This means that there are plenty of opportunities to create a powersuit gadgeteer character that is both distinct from and just as capable as a Tony Stark-style character.

Finally, the lack of emphasis on wealth and status in Mutants and Masterminds RPG means that players can explore the powersuit gadgeteer archetype without worrying about how their character's wealth affects the game's balance or dynamics. Instead, they can focus on creating a character with a unique backstory, interesting motivations, and a compelling personality that will make for a memorable and enjoyable gaming experience.

In the next section of this article, we'll explore five different background ideas for powersuit gadgeteers in Mutants and Masterminds RPG, each of which offers a unique take on the classic archetype.

Five Gadgeteers

The Accidental Hero: This character never intended to become a superhero but stumbled upon their powersuit accidentally. Perhaps they were a scientist or engineer working on a new invention, and the powersuit was created as a byproduct of their research. Or maybe they were a regular person caught in the crossfire of a superpowered battle and found themselves donning a discarded suit to defend themselves. Regardless of how they obtained the suit, they now find themselves using its powers to fight for justice and protect their loved ones.

The Family Business: This character comes from a long line of gadgeteers, with their powersuit being the latest in a family tradition. Perhaps their parents or grandparents were inventors who created their own suits, and they passed down the knowledge and technology to their children. Or maybe their family runs a corporation that specializes in creating high-tech gadgets, and the character designed and built their suit as part of their job. Either way, the character is carrying on their family's legacy while also forging their own path as a superhero.

The Military Prototype: This character's powersuit was originally developed by the military for use in combat situations. Perhaps they were a soldier who volunteered for a experimental program or a scientist who designed the suit for military use. However, something went wrong with the program or the character realized that they couldn't use their powers for the military's agenda, and they defected to become a superhero instead. Now, they use their suit's advanced technology to fight for their own sense of justice.

The Injured Hero: This character became a powersuit gadgeteer as a result of a life-changing injury. Perhaps they were a skilled athlete or soldier who was injured in combat or an accident. Or maybe they were a regular person who was attacked by a supervillain and left with permanent physical damage. In either case, the character turned to technology to help them overcome their limitations and continue fighting for justice.

The Experimental Subject: This character's powersuit was developed as part of a scientific experiment, with the character serving as a test subject. Perhaps they volunteered for the program, hoping to gain new abilities, or maybe they were forced into the program against their will. Regardless of how they became a test subject, the character now possesses incredible powers thanks to the suit, and they use those powers to fight for their own freedom and the greater good.

Five Sample Heroes 

The Accidental Hero: Dr. Rachel Chen is a brilliant nanotech engineer who stumbled upon her powersuit accidentally. While working on a new experimental nanobot, an accident caused the nanobots to bond with her, granting her incredible strength, flight, and the ability to create energy blasts. Using her newfound powers, she became the superhero known as the Nano Knight, using her suit to fight against superpowered threats.

The Family Business: Tonya Rodriguez comes from a long line of gadgeteers, with her father and grandfather both creating their own suits. As part of the family business, she designed and built her own suit, which grants her super strength, flight, and the ability to create energy constructs. Taking on the superhero identity of the Dynamo, Tonya uses her suit to fight against crime and protect her city.

The Military Prototype: Major Paul Singh was a soldier who volunteered for an experimental military program that granted him incredible strength and the ability to create powerful energy blasts. However, when he discovered that the military was planning to use his powers for nefarious purposes, he defected and became the superhero known as the Warhawk. Using his advanced suit to fly and create powerful energy blasts, he fights against tyranny and oppression.

The Injured Hero: Claire Thompson was a talented athlete who was injured in a car accident that left her paralyzed from the waist down. Determined to continue living a full life, she designed and built a powersuit that granted her the ability to walk and gave her super strength and agility. Taking on the superhero identity of the Paragon, Claire fights against injustice and champions the rights of people with disabilities.

The Experimental Subject: John West was a test subject for a top-secret government experiment that imbued him with incredible strength, speed, and durability. However, when he discovered that the government planned to use him as a weapon, he broke free and became the superhero known as the Titan. Using his advanced powersuit to enhance his abilities, he fights against government corruption and defends the rights of the people.

Unlike Tony Stark, who has seemingly limitless resources, most powersuit gadgeteers may have limited resources to draw from. This can present a number of difficulties and roleplaying challenges. Powersuit gadgeteers may struggle to maintain and repair their suits, or to acquire new technology and gadgets to enhance their abilities. They may find it difficult to balance the time and resources needed to maintain and upgrade their suits with the time and resources needed to fight crime and protect their city. Without the public image and reputation of a Tony Stark, powersuit gadgeteers may face greater scrutiny and skepticism from the public and law enforcement, and may have to work harder to gain their trust and respect. Additionally, powersuit gadgeteers may have to make personal sacrifices to pursue their superhero careers, and may struggle to balance their superhero activities with their day jobs or personal lives. Finally, with limited resources, powersuit gadgeteers may have to make difficult ethical decisions about how to use their powers and resources, deciding between using them to fight crime and protect the innocent or using them for personal gain or revenge, and deciding whether to cooperate with law enforcement or operate outside of the law to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, while the Tony Stark-style billionaire inventor is certainly an appealing character background for a powersuit gadgeteer in Mutants and Masterminds, there are many other interesting and diverse origin stories to explore. Each of the five powersuit gadgeteer backgrounds we discussed brings its own unique challenges and opportunities for roleplaying, from the scrappy DIY inventor to the former military engineer. By considering different backgrounds and the difficulties that come with limited resources, Mutants and Masterminds players can create rich and engaging characters that add depth and variety to their games. So next time you're creating a powersuit gadgeteer, don't be afraid to think outside the box and explore new and exciting character backgrounds.

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