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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Jake 'The Tank' Thompson


Jake "The Tank" Thompson is a complex figure in the halls of Freedman High School. At first glance, he appears to be your typical popular jock, known for his skills on the football field and his penchant for bullying those he deems weaker than himself. Yet beneath the bravado, there is a young man burdened by the weight of his family's legacy.

Jake's father is none other than the legendary superhero, Captain Valiant. Known for his immense strength and unyielding commitment to justice, Captain Valiant has been a symbol of hope for Nova City for decades. As the son of such an iconic hero, Jake has grown up in the shadow of his father's accomplishments, constantly feeling the pressure to live up to his family's name.

Despite his father's fame, Jake has not inherited any superpowers. His talent on the football field is purely the result of hard work and dedication. However, his father's expectations and the public's assumptions about his own abilities have made him insecure about his lack of powers. This insecurity fuels his aggression and leads him to assert his dominance over others, especially those who appear weak or vulnerable.

But beneath his tough exterior, Jake is grappling with his own sense of self-worth. He fears that he will never be able to step out of his father's shadow and make a name for himself without the aid of superpowers. His mother, who was once Captain Valiant's trusted sidekick, has tried to help him understand that he doesn't need powers to be a hero, but the message has been difficult for Jake to internalise.

As he progresses through high school, Jake will have to confront his insecurities and come to terms with his true potential. Along the way, he may find that the qualities that make a real hero—courage, determination, and empathy—are not dependent on extraordinary abilities, but rather on the choices he makes and the person he chooses to become.

During the Vanishing, when many of Nova City's heroes were pulled into an alternate reality to serve the Void Emperor, Captain Valiant was among those who fell under the villain's control. The Void Emperor, recognizing Captain Valiant's immense power and reputation as a symbol of hope, saw him as a valuable asset and sought to use him as a tool in his plan to conquer Nova City.

Under the Void Emperor's influence, Captain Valiant's morals and values were twisted, turning him into a loyal servant to the malevolent force. The once-proud hero was now a dangerous weapon, used to strike fear into the hearts of those who dared to oppose the Void Emperor's rule.

Captain Valiant's transformation had a profound impact on the citizens of Nova City, who had come to rely on him as a beacon of hope and justice. Seeing their beloved hero now fighting against them was a devastating blow that left many questioning their own ability to resist the Void Emperor's influence.

Jake, unaware of his father's fate, was left to cope with his father's sudden disappearance and the growing chaos in Nova City. The loss of his father only served to deepen his insecurities and fears about living up to the family legacy, as he struggled to come to terms with the possibility that his father may never return.

In the end, when the heroes of Nova City managed to defeat the Void Emperor and break his hold over the captured heroes, Captain Valiant was among the handful who returned to their own reality, his mind freed from the villain's control. The experience, however, left deep emotional scars on both him and his family, as they grappled with the aftermath of his actions while under the Void Emperor's influence.


Title: The Temptation of Jake Thompson

Adventure Outline:

  1. Introduction The heroes receive a message from Victor Kane, asking them to help him with a personal matter involving his estranged brother, Samuel Kane, aka Straightjacket. He explains that Captain Valiant's son, Jake, has fallen under the influence of Straightjacket and is in danger of going down a dark path. He hires the heroes to stop Straightjacket and bring Jake back before it's too late. Victor also shares his concerns about his own past actions and the impact they might have on his brother's current situation.

  2. Investigating Straightjacket's Hideout The heroes begin their investigation by searching for Straightjacket's hideout. They must gather information, follow leads, and confront some of Straightjacket's minions to discover the location of his secret lair.

  3. Confronting Straightjacket Upon discovering the hideout, the heroes confront Straightjacket and his minions. During the ensuing battle, they learn that Straightjacket is attempting to recruit Jake as part of his plan to build an army of powerful, misguided youths.

  4. Saving Jake The heroes manage to defeat Straightjacket's minions and rescue Jake. They try to convince him that his father, Captain Valiant, is a good man despite the horrors he has seen and the mistakes he has made. Jake struggles with his emotions, torn between the tempting offer from Straightjacket and his loyalty to his father.

  5. The Final Showdown As Jake starts to come around, Straightjacket makes a desperate last stand, attempting to take Jake by force. The heroes engage in a climactic battle against Straightjacket, ultimately defeating him and saving Jake from his clutches.

  6. Redemption and Reconciliation With Straightjacket defeated, Jake finally understands that his father is a good man and chooses to reject the path of darkness. The heroes reunite Jake with Captain Valiant, helping them reconcile and begin the process of healing their fractured relationship. Victor Kane is grateful for the heroes' intervention and their role in stopping his brother's evil plans.

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