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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Maxwell Irons - Tech Visionary

Updated: Jul 23, 2023

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Maxwell Irons (PL 6)


STR 1, AGI 1, FGT 1, AWE 4 STA 1, DEX 1, INT 6, PRE 4


Deception 6, Expertise (Business) 10, Expertise (Technology) 8, Insight 6, Persuasion 6


Benefit (Wealth 3), Connected, Contacts, Well-Informed


Dodge 4, Parry 4 Toughness 1, Fortitude 3, Will 6


Maxwell Irons, known to the public as the man of the future, is a renowned tech mogul, an inventor par excellence, and an ambitious entrepreneur. Born to a family of scientists, Irons showed a knack for technology and innovation from an early age. His parents nurtured his skills, and by his teenage years, he had already patented a few of his inventions.

As an adult, Irons founded his own company, FutureTech, turning it into a billion-dollar enterprise in just a few years. His innovations, particularly in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, revolutionized industries and made him a household name.

Irons is a man of charisma, able to captivate audiences with his visionary speeches about the role of technology in the future of humanity. Despite his wealth and status, he maintains an air of approachability. He often personally engages with the public, especially when unveiling a new product or conducting a live demo of his latest invention.


Maxwell Irons is a relentless optimist, firmly believing in the power of technology to overcome humanity's greatest challenges. He is driven by his desire to leave a lasting impact on the world and is unafraid to take risks if it means pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

However, this relentless pursuit of innovation can sometimes make him dismissive of potential negative implications. His confidence in his creations can turn into stubbornness, as he tends to overlook their flaws and the potential for misuse. This blind spot becomes a key issue when it comes to the Machina, as Irons insists on their potential for good, while dismissing the reported malfunctions and rogue behaviour as minor, fixable glitches.

Role in the Adventure:

Maxwell Irons is a major supporting character in the adventure. He serves as a source of information and a catalyst for the plot, as his creation, the Machina, are central to the unfolding events. His complex character adds a layer of depth to the narrative. While he isn't the villain, his denial about the Machina's flaws contributes to the problems the PCs must solve.

Irons' interaction with the PCs will be critical in shaping the narrative and determining the course of the adventure. Whether they choose to confront him, seek his assistance, or work around him, Irons' influence will be felt throughout the adventure.

Working with Maxwell Irons

In the sprawling saga of the Vanishing, our heroes find themselves presented with an intriguing opportunity to shift the direction of their journey. The brilliant and enigmatic inventor, Maxwell Irons, has taken notice of their remarkable feats in the "Rise of the Machina" adventure. His fascination with their abilities and potential extends an offer to deviate from their existing path and embark on a new exciting expedition.

Maxwell Irons, the genius entrepreneur known for his visionary pursuits, sees in our protagonists not merely a group of skilled adventurers, but a potent force capable of aiding his exploration into the mysteries of the Vanishing. His belief in their talent and resourcefulness forms the cornerstone of his offer to them. He envisages their collaboration as a pivotal tool in navigating the labyrinthine complexities of the Vanishing.

As the players embark on this new narrative strand, they are inducted into a world pulsating with adventure, intrigue, and high stakes challenges. As Irons' personal security and intelligence detail, their missions will span from corporate espionage to daring rescue operations, from unveiling conspiracies to defending against security breaches. While they engage in these thrilling assignments, the enigma of the Vanishing continues to cast its ominous shadow over their journey. In this enthralling detour, at least three of their adventures will tether directly to the overarching mystery of the Vanishing, ensuring that their personal story remains inseparably woven into the grand tapestry of this world.

In aligning themselves with Maxwell Irons, the players are not just accepting a job offer, they are stepping into a world intertwined with technological marvels, dire threats, and secrets waiting to be uncovered. This is their chance to deepen their involvement in the Vanishing saga, to alter its course, and maybe, just maybe, to find a way to resolve it.

Ten adventure hooks

1. Artifact Retrieval: Maxwell Irons needs a particular artifact to further his research into the Vanishing. He sends the PCs to a recently vanished location that has just reappeared, filled with dangerous anomalies.

2. Corporate Espionage: A rival tech company is suspected of stealing Maxwell's research on the Vanishing. The PCs are tasked with infiltrating the company, retrieving the stolen data, and gathering evidence of the theft.

3. Security Breach: An unknown group attempts to break into Irons' labs. The PCs must defend the facility, investigate who is behind the attack, and why they're so interested in Irons' work on the Vanishing.

4. Rescue Operation: A research team working for Irons on the Vanishing has gone missing. The PCs are sent into a volatile vanished zone to find them and bring them back safely.

5. Mysterious Sabotage: Maxwell's prototype device to reverse the Vanishing malfunctions during a test. The PCs have to find out whether it was a simple failure or an act of sabotage.

6. Recruitment Drive: Irons requires the aid of a brilliant but reclusive scientist to understand the Vanishing better. The PCs must convince them to join Irons' team, navigating a series of intellectual challenges to gain the scientist's respect.

7. Bodyguard Detail: At a tech expo where Irons is presenting his latest findings on the Vanishing, the PCs must protect him from potential threats and deal with any crisis that arises.

8. Unveiling the Conspiracy: After evidence emerges of a possible government cover-up related to the Vanishing, the PCs are charged with uncovering the truth without attracting unwanted attention.

9. Hunted by the Past: As Irons gets closer to understanding the Vanishing, figures from his past surface to settle old scores. The PCs must deal with these threats.

10. Into the Vanishing: Armed with a new experimental device, the PCs are tasked with entering a Vanishing zone before it disappears. Their mission is to gather data and safely return, all while dealing with the zone's strange and dangerous properties.

A Deeper Dive into Maxwell Irons' Past

  1. Secret Identity (Future Knight): Unknown to the public, Maxwell Irons has developed a robotic exosuit that he uses to fight crime and injustices. Known as Future Knight, his alter ego is a source of speculation and fascination among the city's populace, and they would be shocked to discover that the vigilante is, in fact, their favourite tech mogul. As Future Knight, Irons uses the skills he honed as an inventor to combat injustice. His robotic exosuit is an impressive feat of engineering, equipped with gadgets designed to handle a wide variety of threats. The citizens admire Future Knight, but no one suspects that the vigilante is their beloved tech mogul.

  2. Personal Life: Irons' parents, Dr. Stephen and Laura Irons, are both renowned scientists. They worry about their son's risk-taking and his seeming dismissal of a traditional family life. Their strained relationship often leads to heated arguments during their rare family gatherings, providing character-building moments and potential subplots.

  3. Dark Secret: In his early years of business, Irons may have crossed some ethical boundaries to ensure the success of FutureTech. He may have stolen intellectual property from a colleague, David Proctor, who now harbors a grudge and seeks to expose Irons' secret.

  4. Vengeful Competitor: This could be Arlen Maddox, owner of rival tech company, Maddox Industries. Maddox is convinced Irons sabotaged one of his projects to gain a competitive edge. He is committed to bringing down Irons and doesn't shy away from dirty tactics.

  5. Benevolent Philanthropist: Irons' philanthropic efforts are seen through the Irons Foundation. The foundation focuses on education, environmental conservation, and healthcare, often partnering with other superheroes to assist in disaster-struck areas or funding research for rare diseases.

  6. AI Sidekick: JARVIS (Justified Analytical Reasoning and Verification Intelligence System) is the advanced AI developed by Irons. JARVIS has a dry wit, offers tactical advice, and handles the operations at the Future Dome. Irons considers JARVIS a true friend, and together, they grapple with ethical questions around AI rights and consciousness.

  7. Romantic Interest: Journalist Samantha "Sam" Riley has a keen interest in tech and superheroes. Her curiosity and tenacity lead to a close relationship with Irons, both in his public and secret identities. This relationship could challenge Irons as he struggles to maintain his double life without revealing his secrets to Sam.

  8. Inner Struggle: Irons' guilt over seeing his inventions used harmfully weighs heavily on him. He feels responsible for any harm caused, prompting introspective moments and driving him to constantly work on preventive measures and corrective actions.

  9. Reluctant Mentor: Sophia Chen, a 15-year-old tech prodigy, seeks Irons' guidance. Irons is initially hesitant, remembering the intense pressure he felt as a young inventor. However, Sophia's persistence and genuine passion persuade him to mentor her, leading to a meaningful mentor-mentee relationship.

  10. A Prophecy: Zara, an enigmatic alien who seeks Irons' help, warns him about a future catastrophe triggered by one of his inventions. Although skeptical at first, Irons begins to take her seriously when strange incidents related to her prophecy start to occur.

Each of these aspects introduces exciting new layers to the character of Maxwell Irons and the world around him. They provide a range of potential plot hooks and character interactions for your Mutants and Masterminds game.

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