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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Muscle Monster

Real Name: Stephen Boulder

Hero Name: Muscle Monster


Steven Boulder grew up in a working-class family in New York City, where he developed a love for boxing at a young age. He quickly rose through the ranks, becoming a heavyweight contender in his early twenties. However, his career was cut short when he was accused of throwing a fight to a mob-affiliated opponent. Despite his protests of innocence, Steven was blacklisted from the boxing world and his reputation was ruined.

Determined to clear his name and start anew, Steven turned to a life of vigilantism, using his newfound strength and size to take down criminals in the city's underground. However, his actions quickly drew the attention of the mob, who put out a hit on him. In a brutal confrontation, Steven was left for dead, but was miraculously saved by the alien light that transformed him into Muscle Monster.

The light was so intense that Steven thought he was being beamed up into a spaceship. He managed to escape, but the experience left him feeling different. A few hours later, he began to transform into a towering blue giant with spikes on his head and spine.

Feeling confused and alone, Steven roamed the countryside, trying to make sense of his new abilities. It wasn't until he heard the Crystal Wizard's psychic message, sent out after the Vanishing, that he realized there might be others out there like him. He made his way to Carter's Island, where the Crystal Wizard was located, and offered his help in any way he could.

Steven has struggled to come to terms with his new abilities and the life he left behind. He is haunted by the memory of his past failures and determined to make amends for them. However, his actions as Muscle Monster have also drawn the attention of a dangerous figure from his past, the mob boss he was accused of throwing the fight against.

This figure, known only as The Fixer, has a personal vendetta against Steven and will stop at nothing to take him down. He has hired a team of mercenaries to track down Muscle Monster and capture him, hoping to use his unique abilities for his own purposes. The Fixer is ruthless and cunning, and has a vast network of connections throughout the criminal underworld. Steven must constantly be on the lookout for The Fixer's next move and stay one step ahead of his enemies to survive. Stats: Power Level: 10 Abilities: Strength 12, Stamina 10, Agility 2, Dexterity 2, Fighting 5, Intellect 0, Awareness 2, Presence 2 Powers:

  • Growth: Enhanced Strength 12, Enhanced Stamina 8, Enhanced Intimidation 4, Immunity 10 (life support)

  • Spikes: Protection 2, Extra Limbs 1 (head and spine spikes)

  • Leaping: Leaping 6 (120 feet)

Groundquake: Power Level: 10 Effect: Ranged Damage (Area, Burst) Range: 60 feet (burst radius) Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Dodge DC 20 Cost: 2 power points per rank

Description: Muscle Monster can slam his fists or stomp his feet on the ground with tremendous force, causing a violent shockwave that can knock down opponents and cause significant damage to structures and terrain. The groundquake has a 60-foot radius centered on Muscle Monster, and all targets within the area of effect must make a Dodge save (DC 20) or take damage. The damage is equal to Muscle Monster's Strength score plus his power rank.

Thunderclap: Power Level: 10 Effect: Perception Range Affliction (Hearing Impaired, Deafened) Range: 60 feet Duration: Instant Saving Throw: Fortitude DC 20 Cost: 2 power points per rank

Description: Muscle Monster can create a deafening clap of thunder by clapping his hands together with incredible force. The sound wave created by this ability is strong enough to stun or deafen opponents, leaving them disoriented and vulnerable to attack. The thunderclap has a range of 60 feet and all targets within range must make a Fortitude save (DC 20) or become hearing impaired or deafened. Hearing impaired characters have a -2 circumstance penalty to Perception checks that involve hearing, while deafened characters cannot hear at all and suffer a -4 circumstance penalty to all actions that rely on hearing. The effect lasts for one round per rank of the power.

Advantages: Close Attack 3, Improved Initiative, Interpose, Power Attack, Takedown Skills: Athletics 6 (+18), Intimidation 8 (+10) Offense: Initiative +6 Unarmed +8 (Close, Damage 12) Grab +5 (Close, DC 22) Throw +5 (Ranged, Damage 12) Defense: Dodge 5, Parry 5, Toughness 12, Fortitude 10, Will 4


  • Anger Issues: Steven's transformation into Muscle Monster is often triggered by intense anger or stress.

  • Appearance: Muscle Monster's blue, spiked appearance often causes people to fear or misunderstand him.

  • Fame: Steven was once a famous boxer, and his alter ego as Muscle Monster may become public knowledge.

  • Responsibility: Steven feels a strong sense of duty to use his powers for good, even if it means putting himself in danger.

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