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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Mutants and Masterminds NPC Scientist: Dr Evelyn Hartmann

Name: Dr. Evelyn Hartmann

Age: 38

Height: 5'7"

Weight: 130 lbs

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Auburn

Nationality: American

Mutants and Masterminds NPC Scientist Background

Dr. Evelyn Hartmann was born and raised in a small town in the Midwest. From a young age, she displayed a remarkable aptitude for science and mathematics, and she was encouraged by her parents, both educators, to pursue her passion. Evelyn graduated at the top of her class and earned a full scholarship to a prestigious university, where she studied physics and later completed a PhD in theoretical physics, specializing in extradimensional phenomena.

Following her academic achievements, Dr. Hartmann was recruited by a top-secret government agency to work on classified projects involving dimensional exploration and manipulation. She quickly gained a reputation for her dedication to her work and her willingness to push the boundaries of scientific understanding. As her expertise in extradimensional phenomena grew, so did her curiosity about the potential applications of her research.

Connection to the Vanishing: As reports of mysterious disappearances began to surface around the city, Dr. Hartmann became increasingly fascinated by the phenomenon, believing that it might be connected to her research on extradimensional gateways. Secretly using her position within the government agency, she established a hidden research facility beneath an unassuming warehouse in a remote part of the city.

At the lab, Dr. Hartmann assembled a team of talented scientists and engineers to investigate the Vanishing, while keeping her activities hidden from her superiors. The team conducted extensive experiments, often pushing ethical boundaries in their pursuit of knowledge about the extradimensional phenomena.

Personality: Dr. Evelyn Hartmann is a brilliant and driven individual with an insatiable curiosity for the unknown. She is known for her tenacity and resourcefulness, as well as her ability to think outside the box when faced with complex problems. However, her single-minded focus on her research can sometimes cause her to lose sight of the potential consequences of her actions. Evelyn is fiercely protective of her work and her team, willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and the continuation of their research.

Skills and Abilities:

  • Genius-level intellect: Dr. Hartmann is highly intelligent and has an extensive knowledge of physics, particularly in the field of extradimensional phenomena.

  • Leadership: Dr. Hartmann is a skilled leader, able to inspire and guide her team through complex scientific projects.

  • Problem-solving: Evelyn is an exceptional problem solver, able to analyze and address complex challenges with innovative solutions.

  • Resourcefulness: Dr. Hartmann is adept at finding and utilizing resources to further her research and protect her team.

  • Secrecy: Evelyn is skilled at maintaining secrecy around her operations, ensuring that her hidden lab remains undiscovered by both her superiors and any potential adversaries.


  • Ethical boundaries: Dr. Hartmann's pursuit of knowledge can sometimes lead her to disregard ethical considerations, potentially causing harm to others or attracting unwanted attention.

  • Obsession: Evelyn's obsession with her research may cause her to overlook potential dangers or betrayals within her team.

  • Overconfidence: Dr. Hartmann's confidence in her own abilities and intellect may lead her to underestimate her opponents or take unnecessary risks.

  • Loyalty: Evelyn's loyalty to her team and her work may make her vulnerable to manipulation or exploitation by others.

Mutants and Masterminds NPC stats

Dr. Evelyn Hartmann Role: Scientist / Investigator Power Level: 6


  • Strength: 0

  • Stamina: 1

  • Agility: 1

  • Dexterity: 2

  • Fighting: 1

  • Intellect: 8

  • Awareness: 4

  • Presence: 3


  • Expertise (Physics): 10 ranks

  • Expertise (Extradimensional Phenomena): 10 ranks

  • Expertise (Science): 8 ranks

  • Technology: 10 ranks

  • Investigation: 6 ranks

  • Insight: 4 ranks

  • Deception: 2 ranks

  • Stealth: 2 ranks


  • Eidetic Memory

  • Inventor

  • Well-Informed

  • Skill Mastery (Expertise: Extradimensional Phenomena)

  • Skill Mastery (Technology)

  • Contacts

  • Equipment (hidden lab, scientific gear)

Powers: None. Dr. Evelyn Hartmann is a non-powered, highly intelligent scientist with exceptional skills in her field.

Equipment: Dr. Hartmann has access to a hidden lab, which includes advanced scientific equipment for researching extradimensional phenomena. This equipment can be used to analyze and potentially manipulate dimensional gateways, although such actions come with significant risks.


  • Dodge: 3 (1 base + 2 agility)

  • Parry: 2 (1 base + 1 fighting)

  • Fortitude: 2 (1 base + 1 stamina)

  • Toughness: 1 (1 stamina)

  • Will: 6 (2 base + 4 awareness)

Offense: Dr. Hartmann is not a combat-focused character and generally avoids direct confrontation. However, her intellect and resourcefulness can be used to devise clever strategies or solutions to neutralize potential threats.


  • Obsession: Dr. Hartmann's obsession with her research may lead her to take unnecessary risks or make questionable decisions.

  • Secret Lab: Evelyn's hidden lab must remain undiscovered to protect her team and her work from outside interference.

  • Ethical Boundaries: Evelyn's pursuit of knowledge may lead her to disregard ethical considerations, putting her at odds with other characters or attracting unwanted attention.


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