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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Mutants and Masterminds Villain - Darkwind - A Shadow Through Time

Name: Unknown Aliases: Algernon Tarr, Darkwind, among others Occupation: Chaos Bringer Affiliations: Various, often temporary and opportunistic Powers: Shadow Manipulation

Mutants and Masterminds Villain - Darkwind - A Shadow Through Time

In the annals of history, tucked away in obscure chronicles, and whispered in the hushed tones of the occult, a figure emerges intermittently - a creature of chaos and darkness, known by many names but most recently as Darkwind. a deadly Mutants and Masterminds Villain.

His origins are shrouded in mystery, and his true name is unknown. The earliest known appearance of an individual with his unique powers dates back several centuries. His capacity to control and shape shadows, combined with a distinct predilection for chaos and discord, serves as a grim fingerprint through time.

In the Edwardian era, he was known as Algernon Tarr, a seemingly sophisticated man with a keen interest in the occult. Beneath his charming facade, Tarr orchestrated catastrophic events that led to inexplicable tragedies, each marked by a chilling commonality - a blood rite event involving the death of thousands.

Rumors suggest he may be from another reality entirely - a place where shadows dance and darkness reigns. But whether from our world or another, Darkwind's modus operandi is constant. He arrives quietly, often unnoticed until it's too late. He sows discord and fear, manipulates the shadows to his whims, and orchestrates disastrous events that leave lasting scars on history.

Despite his sinister actions, a certain elegance surrounds Darkwind. He carries an air of sophistication and exhibits a keen intelligence, adept at manipulating not just shadows but people too. His motives, while unclear, seem to revolve around a fascination with chaos, the macabre, and a desire to challenge order and structure.

Even now, as he surfaces once more in our time, his true intentions remain as enigmatic as his origins. One thing, however, remains clear: where Darkwind appears, turmoil is sure to follow, a dance of shadows across the canvas of time.


Real Name: Unknown Occupation: Criminal Mastermind Alignment: Villain Affiliation: Solo

Power Level: 10 Power Points: 150


  • Strength: 2

  • Stamina: 3

  • Agility: 5

  • Dexterity: 4

  • Fighting: 6

  • Intellect: 3

  • Awareness: 4

  • Presence: 3


  • Deception 6 (+9)

  • Insight 5 (+9)

  • Intimidation 8 (+11)

  • Perception 6 (+10)

  • Ranged Combat: Shadow Powers 6 (+10)

  • Stealth 6 (+11)


  • Shadow Manipulation: Array (24 points)

    • Base Power: Shadow Blast: Ranged Damage 10 (20 points)

    • Alternate Power: Shadow Shield: Enhanced Dodge 5, Enhanced Parry 5, Sustained Duration (1 point)

    • Alternate Power: Shadow Form: Insubstantial 4 (Incorporeal), Immunity 10 (Physical Damage), Sustained Duration (1 point)

    • Alternate Power: Shadow Bind: Ranged Cumulative Affliction 10 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage or Sleight of Hand; 1st degree: Hindered, 2nd degree: Immobile, 3rd degree: Paralyzed), Extra Condition, Limited Degree (1 point)

    • Alternate Power: Shadow Travel: Teleport 10, Extended, Medium (Shadows) (1 point)


  • Ranged Attack 4

  • Favored Environment (Darkness)

  • Fearless

  • Evasion 2

  • Improved Initiative


  • Init +9

  • Close Attack +6

  • Ranged Attack +8

  • Shadow Blast +10, Ranged, Damage 10

  • Shadow Bind +10, Ranged, Dodge DC 20


  • Dodge 9/4*, Fortitude 7, Parry 9/4*, Toughness 3, Will 8 (*) without Shadow Shield


  • Motivation—Power: Darkwind seeks to control and dominate others, seeing their own power as the ultimate goal.

  • Hatred: Darkwind has a particular disdain for those who manipulate light forces, seeing them as rivals.

  • Secret: Darkwind's real identity is unknown.

Darkwind is a master of shadow, able to form them into solid objects, manipulate them for defense and offense, and even become one with the shadows themselves. They are most powerful in darkness and are a dangerous and elusive foe.


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