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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Nova City Arcanum


In the bustling metropolis of Nova City, a vibrant undercurrent of mysticism and arcane power flows beneath the surface of everyday life. Among the city's towering skyscrapers and bustling streets lies a world steeped in ancient knowledge and magical traditions. For those who are attuned to the supernatural, Nova City offers a wealth of opportunities to delve into the mysteries of the arcane and harness the power that lies within.

At the heart of the city's magical culture stands the illustrious Nova City Academy of Arcane Arts, a centuries-old institution dedicated to the study and mastery of magic. Founded by a group of intrepid scholars who sought to preserve and expand the knowledge of the arcane, the Academy has grown to become a beacon of enlightenment and a bastion against the darker forces that threaten the world.

But the Academy is not the only source of magical knowledge and power in Nova City.

A thriving community of independent mages, magical organizations, and secret societies work behind the scenes, each with their own motivations and goals. These factions form a complex web of alliances and rivalries, shaping the destiny of the city and its inhabitants.

In this blog, we will explore the rich history and vibrant culture of the Nova City Academy of Arcane Arts, delve into the city's magical landscape, and uncover the secrets of its enigmatic inhabitants. Join us as we journey into the heart of Nova City's mystic world and discover the wonders that lie hidden within.


The origins of the Nova City Arcanum Magic Academy can be traced back to the 11th century, when scholars from India, Arabia, Africa, China, and Europe gathered in Constantinople to share their knowledge of the arcane arts and the mysterious magical energy known as the Weave. The Weave, a force that binds and connects all realities, was a central focus of their studies and they sought to understand its workings and potential applications.

During their time together, the scholars became aware that some among them sought knowledge of the arcane for nefarious purposes, intending to bargain with great and evil powers for personal gain. To counter this growing threat and preserve the purity of their magical studies, the virtuous scholars formed an alliance, vowing to create a bastion of magical learning that would serve as a beacon of light in a world threatened by darkness.

These scholars journeyed to a remote and secluded valley in the Middle East, where they founded the first magic academy, known as the Arcanum Conclave. For centuries, the Arcanum Conclave attracted students from all corners of the world, who sought to unlock their potential and master the mysteries of magic under the tutelage of the academy's esteemed faculty.

As time passed and the world changed, the Arcanum Conclave's influence grew and its location eventually became a concern for the leaders of the academy. Seeking a more secure and advantageous location, the academy's masters decided to relocate the institution to the burgeoning metropolis of Nova City.

Now renamed the Nova City Magic Academy, the school continues to uphold its ancient legacy while adapting to the modern world. Students and faculty alike work tirelessly to protect the world from the forces of darkness, using the knowledge passed down through the generations to safeguard the Weave and ensure the survival of the magical arts.

The Nine Wheels: Alden Carson's Legacy

Alden Carson, a brilliant and renowned mage, was the one who created the Nine Wheels, making them an integral part of the Nova City Magic Academy's history. Carson was driven by his desire to uncover the secrets of the Weave and to protect the world from those who sought to use this knowledge for nefarious purposes. In his quest, he traveled across the Middle East, gathering knowledge from scholars, mystics, and powerful beings.

Eventually, he designed the Nine Wheels as a way to channel and study the magical energies of the Weave. Each wheel represented a different magical discipline, with their combined power capable of unlocking untold potential. Carson chose Nova City as the location for his grand experiment, as the area's unique ley lines and magical properties made it the perfect nexus for his work.

The Nine Wheels became a beacon for magical practitioners worldwide, attracting the attention of the Arcanum Conclave. Recognizing the significance of Carson's creation, they decided to relocate their academy to Nova City, establishing the Nova City Magic Academy. The academy, built upon the foundation of the Nine Wheels, grew in strength and influence, better preparing its students and faculty to face the ever-evolving threats that sought to exploit the Weave for their own ends

The Five Principles of the Nova City Arcanum

Knowledge and Wisdom: The pursuit of knowledge and understanding is at the core of the academy's teachings. Students are encouraged to explore the depths of magical theory, history, and various arcane disciplines to gain a comprehensive understanding of the Weave and its potential.

Balance and Harmony: The academy emphasizes the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in the use of magic. Students are taught to respect the natural order of the universe and to use their powers responsibly, ensuring that their actions do not disrupt the delicate balance between the realms.

Ethics and Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility. The academy instills in its students the importance of using their magical abilities ethically and for the greater good. They are taught to make wise decisions, consider the consequences of their actions, and to always stand against those who would use magic for evil purposes.

Unity and Cooperation: The Nova City Magic Academy fosters a sense of community and unity among its students and faculty. They believe that by working together, they can achieve more than they could individually. The academy encourages collaboration, teamwork, and the sharing of knowledge to strengthen the bonds between mages and better prepare them for the challenges they will face.

Adaptability and Growth: The magical world is ever-changing, and the academy understands the importance of adapting to new discoveries and evolving threats. Students are taught to be open-minded, adaptable, and to never stop learning. This growth mindset prepares them for the unpredictable nature of magic and allows them to become more resilient and versatile mages

The Great Tomes of Magic

The Arcanum of Ages: A legendary grimoire that encompasses the entire history of magic and its many traditions. It is said to contain the secrets of countless spells, rituals, and arcane knowledge from various civilizations and magical practices throughout time.

The Ebon Codex: A mysterious tome bound in dark, almost living leather, the Ebon Codex delves deep into the shadowy arts of necromancy. It reveals secrets of life, death, and the manipulation of the undead, offering great power to those willing to traverse its morally ambiguous path.

The Astral Compendium: A celestial atlas detailing the cosmic landscape and the secrets of astral travel. This tome provides invaluable knowledge on the planes of existence, their inhabitants, and the means to access these otherworldly realms, opening up new dimensions of magical exploration.

The Elemental Encyclopedia: This comprehensive work covers the four classical elements - air, earth, fire, and water - and their numerous magical applications. It provides in-depth knowledge of elemental manipulation, summoning, and binding, as well as the secrets of creating powerful elemental artifacts.

The Tome of Transmutation: A treatise on the art of altering the fundamental nature of objects, creatures, and even reality itself. The Tome of Transmutation offers mastery over the mutable aspects of existence, teaching readers the intricacies of alchemy, polymorphing, and other transformative magics.

The Enchiridion of Enchantment: This ancient manual delves into the power of enchantment and the manipulation of minds. It explores the subtleties of charm, illusion, and mental domination, allowing readers to bend the wills of others and create intricate, convincing illusions.

The Book of the Weave: A rare and precious work that details the nature of the Weave, the magical energy that binds all realities. This tome provides insight into the inner workings of magic itself, enabling mages to harness the Weave's true potential and unlock unparalleled levels of arcane mastery.

The Codex of Infinite Realities: This ancient tome contains vast knowledge about the multiverse and the underlying connections between countless dimensions. It delves into the mysteries of planar travel, the nature of reality, and the cosmic forces that govern the balance between realms.

The Grimoire of Elemental Mastery: A comprehensive guide to the manipulation of the four primary elements - air, earth, fire, and water - this tome teaches its readers to wield and control these forces with unparalleled skill. It also includes insights into the secrets of combining elements and unlocking the potential of more esoteric elemental forces.

The Tome of Celestial Arcana: A revered text that delves into the mysteries of the celestial realm, this book holds the secrets to harnessing the power of the stars, moon, and sun. It explores the relationship between astrology and magic, offering spells and rituals that draw upon celestial energies.

The Book of Shadows: A dark and enigmatic tome, the Book of Shadows contains knowledge of shadow magic and the manipulation of darkness itself. It is rumored to hold secrets about the Shadowfell, the plane of darkness and shadow, and the creatures that dwell within its depths.

The Chronicle of Lost Souls: This rare and precious tome delves into the mysteries of life, death, and the afterlife. It contains spells and rituals concerning necromancy, soul manipulation, and the delicate balance between the living and the dead.

The Alchemist's Opus: A masterwork of alchemical theory and practice, this tome contains detailed instructions on the creation of potions, elixirs, and magical substances. It covers everything from transmutation to the discovery of the philosopher's stone, the mythical substance said to grant immortality and limitless power.

Other Schools

The Silverthorn Institute: Focused on the study of elemental and nature-based magic, the Silverthorn Institute has a strong connection to the natural world. Students at this school often excel in the practice of druidic and shamanic arts. While the Silverthorn Institute recognizes the Academy's prestige, it maintains a friendly rivalry with the esteemed institution. They often engage in inter-school competitions and collaborate on research projects related to the environment and magical creatures.

The Aetherius Conservatory: Specializing in the study of astral and celestial magic, the Aetherius Conservatory has a reputation for producing skilled diviners and enchanters. The school places a heavy emphasis on astrology, star magic, and harnessing the power of the cosmos. The Aetherius Conservatory has a cordial relationship with the Academy and often shares resources and knowledge, particularly when it comes to uncovering the mysteries of the universe and exploring the boundaries of magical theory.

The Enigmatic College of Thaumaturgy: This secretive institution focuses on the study of illusion, transmutation, and mind-affecting magic. Students of the Enigmatic College are known for their subtlety and cunning, often excelling in espionage and subterfuge. The College maintains a cautious relationship with the Academy, as both institutions are wary of each other's intentions and potential influence over the magical community in Nova City. Despite this, they occasionally cooperate on projects that require their unique skills and expertise

Mage Council 

There is a culture of independent mages in Nova City who are not affiliated with any formal school. These mages often follow their own unique paths and traditions, passing down their knowledge to a select group of students or apprentices. Some may even be self-taught, having discovered their magical talents without the guidance of a formal institution.

Before the Vanishing, the Mage Council of Nova City acted as a regulatory body for all magic practitioners, including independent mages. The Council was responsible for ensuring that mages adhered to the ethical guidelines and standards of magical practice. They monitored magical activities, provided certifications for mages, and mediated disputes between different magical factions.

However, after the Vanishing, the Mage Council lost a significant number of its members, leaving it weakened and unable to effectively enforce its regulations. As a result, many independent mages became increasingly difficult to control. Some took advantage of the chaos to pursue their own agendas, while others stepped up to fill the void left by the vanished heroes and protect the city from supernatural threats.

With the Mage Council struggling to maintain order, independent mages have become a wildcard in the magical community, their actions and motives more unpredictable than ever. This has led to an increase in tensions between the various magical factions in Nova City and a growing sense of uncertainty about the future of magic in the city.

Demon Chambers

Yes, in the magic academy and other places where experienced mages practice the arcane arts, there are special rune-reinforced chambers designed for safely summoning and containing demons or other potentially dangerous entities. These chambers are constructed using a combination of potent magical wards, rune-inscribed walls, and materials that possess inherent resistance to dark or chaotic energies.

The runes inscribed on the walls, floor, and ceiling of these chambers serve multiple purposes: they create a strong barrier to prevent the summoned entity from escaping, nullify or dampen the creature's harmful abilities, and provide protection for the summoner from any potential backlash or harm. Additionally, these chambers often include secondary containment measures such as enchanted bindings, energy fields, and backup wards that can be activated in case of emergency.

It's important to note that summoning demons or other malevolent beings is generally frowned upon or outright forbidden by most magical institutions and regulatory bodies, including the Mage Council of Nova City. However, these chambers still exist for research purposes, allowing scholars to study demonic entities in a controlled environment, or for situations where summoning such beings is necessary to protect the greater good.

After the Vanishing, the regulation and oversight of these chambers have become more challenging. With the Mage Council weakened, some mages might exploit these summoning chambers for their own nefarious purposes, posing a significant risk to the magical community and the city as a whole

Thule Wars

Yes, in the magic academy and other places where experienced mages practice the arcane arts, there are special rune-reinforced chambers designed for safely summoning and containing demons or other potentially dangerous entities. These chambers are constructed using a combination of potent magical wards, rune-inscribed walls, and materials that possess inherent resistance to dark or chaotic energies.

The runes inscribed on the walls, floor, and ceiling of these chambers serve multiple purposes: they create a strong barrier to prevent the summoned entity from escaping, nullify or dampen the creature's harmful abilities, and provide protection for the summoner from any potential backlash or harm. Additionally, these chambers often include secondary containment measures such as enchanted bindings, energy fields, and backup wards that can be activated in case of emergency.

It's important to note that summoning demons or other malevolent beings is generally frowned upon or outright forbidden by most magical institutions and regulatory bodies, including the Mage Council of Nova City. However, these chambers still exist for research purposes, allowing scholars to study demonic entities in a controlled environment, or for situations where summoning such beings is necessary to protect the greater good.

After the Vanishing, the regulation and oversight of these chambers have become more challenging. With the Mage Council weakened, some mages might exploit these summoning chambers for their own nefarious purposes, posing a significant risk to the magical community and the city as a whole.

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