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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Psychic Dominion

In the far reaches of the multiverse, beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, exists a plane inhabited by beings of pure psychic energy.

These entities possess immense mental prowess, their thoughts and emotions resonating throughout the fabric of their dimension.

The most powerful and influential of these beings formed a collective known as the Psionic Dominion, united by their desire to control and manipulate the minds of all sentient life.

The Psionic Dominion's origins are shrouded in mystery. Some believe that they were once mortal beings who ascended to a higher plane of existence, while others speculate that they are the remnants of an ancient civilization that mastered the power of the mind.

Regardless of their beginnings, their goal is clear: to bend the free will and autonomy of all intelligent species to their dominion, spreading their influence across the multiverse.

The Dominion's psychic abilities allow them to project their consciousness across dimensions, reaching out to other planes in search of new minds to subjugate.

They are particularly drawn to worlds with a high concentration of psychic energy or psychic beings, seeing them as potential threats or valuable additions to their collective.

One such world is Earth, with its burgeoning population of psychics, mutants, and other supernatural beings.

To further their goals, the Psionic Dominion employs a variety of tactics. They create psychic avatars, ethereal constructs that can infiltrate other dimensions and manipulate events from the shadows.

They also possess the ability to enslave lesser beings, using them as pawns to carry out their bidding.

Occasionally, the Dominion will send forth powerful psychic emissaries to establish a foothold in a target dimension, using them as a beachhead for further conquest.

The Psionic Dominion's existence is a well-guarded secret, known only to a select few who have encountered their insidious influence firsthand.

While they have not yet launched a full-scale invasion of Earth, their actions have not gone unnoticed. Heroes who have faced the Dominion's manipulations understand the severity of the threat they pose, and work tirelessly to protect the minds of humanity from their invisible oppressors.

As the influence of the Psionic Dominion spreads throughout the multiverse, it falls to the champions of each dimension to stand against them.

In a battle where the very fabric of reality is at stake, the heroes must unite to protect the free will and autonomy of all sentient beings from the oppressive grip of the Psionic Dominion.

Name: Psionic Dominion Emissary (PL 10)


  • Strength: 0

  • Agility: 2

  • Fighting: 4

  • Awareness: 6

  • Stamina: 2

  • Dexterity: 2

  • Intellect: 4

  • Presence: 6


  • Deception 8 (+14)

  • Expertise (Psychology) 8 (+12)

  • Insight 8 (+14)

  • Intimidation 8 (+14)

  • Perception 8 (+14)

  • Persuasion 8 (+14)

  • Stealth 6 (+8)


  • Attractive 2

  • Benefit (Status: Psionic Dominion Emissary)

  • Fascinate (Persuasion)

  • Fearless

  • Languages 3 (additional languages, base: Common)

  • Mind Blank


  • Psychic Avatar (Array)

    • Telepathy: Mental Communication 4 (1 mile; Rapid; Subtle 2)

    • Mind Control: Affliction 10 (1st: Dazed, 2nd: Compelled, 3rd: Controlled; resisted by Will; Cumulative, Perception Range, Insidious, Subtle 2)

    • Mental Blast: Damage 10 (Perception Range, Alternate Resistance [Will], Subtle 2)

  • Psychic Shield: Protection 6 (Sustained, Impervious [Will])

  • Astral Projection: Remote Sensing 10 (Mental, Visual, Auditory; 2 miles; Dimensional [limited to same plane]; Subtle 2; Side Effect [Physical body remains vulnerable])


  • Mind Control: Perception Range, DC 20 (Will)

  • Mental Blast: Perception Range, DC 25 (Will)


  • Dodge: 8

  • Parry: 8

  • Fortitude: 6

  • Toughness: 8 (6 with Psychic Shield)

  • Will: 12

Power Points: Abilities 52 + Skills 28 + Advantages 12 + Powers 58 + Defenses 20 = Total 170

This Psionic Dominion Emissary is a formidable foe, capable of controlling the minds of others and using powerful mental blasts to subdue their enemies. They can also project their consciousness to observe events from a distance while remaining well-hidden.

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