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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley


The Starbreaker, an ancient cosmic sorceress with an insatiable thirst for power, seeks to drain the life force of stars and celestial beings, destabilizing entire galaxies in her quest for supremacy.

As the first being to sense the magic weave and harness its energy, the Starbreaker was a pioneer in the arcane arts. She crafted the very first spells, wielding a power previously unknown to the universe.

Her appearance is that of an ethereal, ageless woman, with skin that seems to shimmer with the light of a thousand stars. Her eyes burn with the intensity of supernovas, and her flowing hair resembles a cosmic nebula, constantly shifting in color and form.

The Starbreaker's mastery of magic quickly made her a force to be reckoned with, and she used this newfound power to conquer vast swaths of the cosmos.

Her insatiable thirst for magical knowledge led her to explore the far reaches of the universe in search of the Arcanum, eventually discovering its location hidden within a nexus of reality.

The Starbreaker's connection to the Arcanum allowed her to absorb its vast knowledge, further expanding her already immense magical prowess.

She became a living conduit for the magic weave, able to bend the very fabric of reality to her will. However, the Arcanum was not without its own defenses, and it secretly planted a seed of vulnerability within the Starbreaker, ensuring that she would not go unchallenged.

Throughout the millennia, many heroes and champions have risen to challenge the Starbreaker's reign of terror. While some have managed to momentarily halt her destructive advance, none have been able to permanently defeat her.

Yet hope remains, as the hidden vulnerability within the Starbreaker's essence waits to be discovered and exploited.

As the Starbreaker continues her relentless pursuit of power, the Arcanum's legacy lives on in the form of magic practitioners throughout the universe, including those in Nova City.

Unbeknownst to them, they are part of a cosmic struggle that has spanned eons, with the Starbreaker's shadow looming over the very magic that empowers them. The destiny of the universe hangs in the balance, as the Starbreaker's insatiable hunger for power threatens to consume all that stands in her way.

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