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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Crystal Wizard

Name: Edward Sinclair

Hero Name: The Crystal Wizard

Power Level: 10


Edward Sinclair's real name is Vy'Zon and he was born in the Crystal Dimension, a parallel realm populated by sentient crystals. From a young age, he showed an innate affinity for the mystic arts, particularly those related to manipulating the crystals that made up his world. He was taken under the tutelage of the greatest sorcerer of his people, and quickly surpassed all his peers.

However, the peace of the Crystal Dimension was not to last. Obsidian, a dark mage who had been banished centuries ago, returned with an army of corrupted crystals at his command. He quickly conquered the land, forcing many of the inhabitants into hiding or slavery. Edward fought against Obsidian, but was ultimately defeated and forced to flee to the Mortal World.

The Crystal Wizard's trusted apprentice, the Emerald Sorceress, had been turned against him by Obsidian and he fears that she will eventually find her way to the Mortal World and cause great havoc.

The Crystal Wizard's powers are focused on crystals, which he can manipulate to devastating effect. He can generate crystal shields to protect himself and his allies, hurl crystal projectiles to strike his enemies, and even create constructs made entirely of crystal. His mastery over the magical properties of crystals also allows him to manipulate light and energy, making him a formidable combatant in any situation.

Personality: Edward is a cautious and reserved individual, preferring to analyze a situation before acting. He is deeply scarred by the loss of his homeland and his failure to protect it. As a result, he can be fiercely protective of those he cares about, and can be stubborn to a fault when it comes to defending them.

Powers: The Crystal Wizard's powers are all related to his mastery of crystal magic. He can shape and manipulate crystals in any way he desires, creating constructs, barriers, and weapons out of thin air. He can also use crystals to heal himself and others, as well as scry for information or track down enemies. His powers are fuelled by his own life force, which can be depleted if he overextends himself.

The Crystal Wizard met Tom Warner after he escaped from the control of Bernie Billions and has an affinity for a fellow exile. Stats: Abilities: Strength 0, Stamina 3, Agility 0, Dexterity 0, Fighting 0, Intellect 6, Awareness 6, Presence 2 Skills: Expertise (Arcane Lore) 10, Insight 6, Investigation 6, Perception 6, Persuasion 4, Technology 4 Advantages: Artificer, Benefit (Mystic Knowledge), Connected, Contacts, Defensive Roll, Eidetic Memory, Equipment 3, Ritualist, Well-Informed Powers: Crystal Manipulation Array 10, Healing 8, Remote Sensing 10, Senses 6 (Magic Awareness, Darkvision), Flight 5, Immunity 10 (Aging, Life Support), Protection 3 Crystal Manipulation: The Crystal Wizard can control and shape crystals with his mind. He can create constructs out of crystal, such as barriers or weapons, and move existing crystals in his environment.

  • Energy Blast: The Crystal Wizard can project beams of crystalline energy from his hands.

  • Flight: The Crystal Wizard can levitate and fly at high speeds through sheer force of will.

  • Crystal Armor: The Crystal Wizard can cover himself in a suit of armor made from crystal, enhancing his durability and strength.

  • Teleportation: The Crystal Wizard can teleport short distances by turning his body into crystal and reforming elsewhere.

  • Illusion: The Crystal Wizard can create realistic illusions of himself or others, which can be used for distraction or misdirection.

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