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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Devastator Missile Attack - 1947

Updated: Apr 7, 2023

In the waning days of World War II, a rogue faction of Nazis known as Blut und Feuer, or Blood and Fire, sought to bring about global ruin. Rejecting the concept of a peaceful post-war world and harboring an intense hatred for anything that was not aligned with their twisted ideology, this group sought to ensure that if Nazism could not continue, then nothing would.

Led by the fanatical Oberst Reinhardt von Sturm, Blut und Feuer pursued a series of apocalyptic experiments in a desperate attempt to unleash unspeakable horrors upon the world. They viewed the devastation of Atlantic City as merely the beginning, hoping that their actions would ignite a global cataclysm that would engulf all nations in chaos and destruction.

Their plan to strike Washington DC with the Devastator missile was part of this grand design, aiming to eliminate the heart of the Allied leadership and plunge the world into darkness. However, a malfunction in the missile's guidance system caused it to veer off course and strike Atlantic City instead. Despite this setback, the devastation wrought by the missile served as a horrifying example of Blut und Feuer's twisted ambitions.

As the war drew to a close, the Allied forces became aware of the group's existence and their apocalyptic plans. A desperate race against time ensued, as the Allies hunted down the members of Blut und Feuer and worked to dismantle their diabolical projects.

Rumors persisted for years after the war that some of the group's experiments had succeeded in unleashing terrible monstrosities upon the world, and that these horrors still lurked in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to strike. These tales would serve as the basis for countless conspiracy theories and urban legends, fuelling the imaginations of those who believed that the legacy of Blut und Feuer continued to haunt the modern world.

As the survivors of Atlantic City rebuilt their lives and their city, the memory of the Devastator missile and the atrocities committed by Blut und Feuer would serve as a stark reminder of the capacity for evil that exists in the hearts of some individuals, and the importance of remaining vigilant against the forces of darkness that would seek to tear the world apart.


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