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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Night Hawks and Straightjacket

In the bustling metropolis of Nova City, a dedicated team of vigilantes known as the Night Hawks has taken on the responsibility of protecting the city from crime and injustice. Trained by the reclusive billionaire Jared Hawke, these six skilled heroes—Shadowstrike, Sparrow, Spectre, Ironfist, Whisper, and Shockwave—utilize their unique powers and abilities to fight back against the dark forces that threaten their beloved city. Among the many foes they face is the twisted and vengeful Straightjacket, a sinister villain with a dark past. Once a respected psychiatrist named Samuel Kane, he succumbed to madness and embraced a life of crime, using his mental powers to manipulate and control those around him. As the Night Hawks continue their mission to safeguard Nova City, they must confront Straightjacket's nefarious schemes and bring him to justice.


Jared Hawke, a reclusive billionaire and former crime-fighter, saw the potential in a group of young, talented individuals, each with unique abilities and backgrounds. He brought them together, training them and providing them with the resources they needed to become a formidable force against crime in Nova City. The Night Hawks was born, a team dedicated to fighting injustice and making the city a safer place for its citizens.

Early Years:

The Night Hawks initially faced skepticism and resistance from both the public and law enforcement, with many doubting their ability to effectively combat crime. However, as they started to make a difference in the city, their reputation grew. They tackled various criminal organizations, from street gangs to corrupt corporations, all while honing their skills and learning to work together as a team.

Key Victories:

Over the years, the Night Hawks have had numerous high-profile successes, solidifying their position as the city's protectors. Some of their most notable victories include dismantling the powerful criminal empire of the The Magnate, stopping a to save the city during the Void Emperor’s onslaught. Each victory only served to strengthen their bond as a team and their commitment to their mission.

Challenges and Internal Struggles:

Despite their many triumphs, the Night Hawks have also faced their fair share of challenges and internal struggles. The team has experienced moments of tension and disagreement, as each member has their own ideas about justice and the best way to protect the city. The return of Jared Hawke's previous protégé, bent on revenge and destruction, forced the Night Hawks to confront their mentor's past and deal with the consequences of his actions.

Additionally, maintaining a balance between their vigilante activities and their personal lives has proven difficult for the team members, with some experiencing strained relationships with friends and family as a result.

Working with Law Enforcement:

The Night Hawks' relationship with the Nova City Police Department, particularly Commissioner Lorraine Simmons, has evolved over time. While initially met with skepticism, the Night Hawks have managed to establish a mutual respect and cooperation with the police. This partnership has allowed them to work together more effectively in the fight against crime, despite occasional disagreements about methods and jurisdiction.


As the Night Hawks continue to protect Nova City, their legacy grows. They've inspired a new generation of heroes, showing that it's possible to stand up against injustice and make a difference. The Night Hawks have become a symbol of hope and strength for the citizens of Nova City, proving that, together, they can face any threat and overcome any challenge.

The Night Hawks


Real Name: Alex Martinez

Powers: Exceptional martial artist, master of stealth, and skilled acrobat.

Background: A former street thief who was taken in by Jared Hawke and trained to become a vigilante.


Real Name: Emily Park

Powers: Master archer, expert martial artist, and skilled in parkour.

Background: A prodigious athlete who dedicated her life to fighting crime after her family was caught in the crossfire of a gang war.


Real Name: David Thompson

Powers: Limited intangibility and invisibility, hand-to-hand combat skills.

Background: A victim of an experimental procedure that granted him his unique abilities, he now uses his powers to fight crime.


Real Name: Kevin O'Connor

Powers: Enhanced strength, durability, and hand-to-hand combat skills.

Background: A former professional boxer who turned to vigilantism after his career was cut short by a criminal attack.


Real Name: Mia Nguyen

Powers: Telepathy, martial arts expertise, and infiltration skills.

Background: A reformed con artist who was recruited by Jared Hawke to use her abilities for the greater good.


Real Name: Lisa Johnson

Powers: The ability to generate and manipulate sound waves, skilled hand-to-hand combatant.

Background: A former musician who discovered her powers during a traumatic event, now dedicated to protecting the city she loves.

Together, these six heroes form The Night Watch, a team dedicated to protecting the streets of Nova City from crime and injustice under the guidance of their mentor, billionaire Jared Hawke.

Shadowstrike - The Hawk’s Leader

Shadowstrike, whose real name is Alex Martinez, was the first Night Hawk to be recruited by Jared Hawke. As a former street thief, Alex was taken in by Jared when he saw potential in the young man's exceptional agility and natural talent for stealth. Under Jared's guidance, Alex honed his skills in martial arts and acrobatics, eventually becoming the formidable hero known as Shadowstrike.

Shadowstrike's relationship with Jared Hawke is one of deep respect and gratitude. Jared not only saved him from a life of crime but also gave him a new purpose as a crime-fighter. Over the years, their bond has grown stronger, with Jared becoming a father figure to Shadowstrike.

As the first recruit and one of the most experienced members of the team, Shadowstrike has taken on the role of the Night Hawks' leader. Under his guidance, the team has seen numerous victories and overcome many challenges.

While the Night Hawks have a strong bond as a team, there have been moments of tension and internal struggles. Each member has their own perspective on justice and how best to protect Nova City, which can sometimes lead to disagreements. Some members may feel resentment toward Shadowstrike for his close relationship with Jared Hawke or question his decisions as a leader.

However, despite these rivalries and tensions, the Night Hawks ultimately recognize the importance of working together and trusting one another. They understand that their strength lies in their unity, and they continue to support each other in their mission to protect Nova City and its citizens.

Conflict and resolution

Over time, the Night Hawks have faced numerous challenges that have tested their resolve, both as individuals and as a team. Through these trials, they have come to understand the importance of trust, communication, and the power of unity.

Shadowstrike, as the team's leader, has had to navigate the complexities of managing a group of strong-willed and powerful individuals, each with their own unique skills and perspectives. He has become a skilled mediator and strategist, ensuring that the Night Hawks can work together effectively despite their differences.

One example of the team overcoming their internal struggles was when Ironfist, the former professional boxer, questioned Shadowstrike's tactics during a particularly dangerous mission. Ironfist, known for his straightforward approach, felt that the team should focus on direct combat rather than stealth and subterfuge. This disagreement led to a heated argument, with other team members taking sides. However, Shadowstrike and Ironfist eventually resolved their differences, recognizing that a balance of both tactics would be the most effective way to protect the city.

As the Night Hawks' reputation grew, so did their influence on the city's criminal underworld. Criminals and villains alike began to fear the formidable team and their relentless pursuit of justice. This has led to a decrease in crime throughout Nova City, as well as an increase in the number of citizens inspired to stand up against injustice.

In addition to their crime-fighting efforts, the Night Hawks also engage in community outreach programs, working closely with the Nova City Police Department and various charitable organizations. These efforts have strengthened the team's connection with the city and its citizens, ensuring that they are not only feared by criminals but also respected and supported by the community.

Despite their individual strengths and personal differences, the Night Hawks have proven that they are more than just a group of heroes – they are a symbol of hope, justice, and unity in Nova City. Under the guidance of their mentor, Jared Hawke, and with the unwavering support of each other, they continue to protect the city they love, proving that when they stand together, nothing can stand in their way.

The Aerie

The Aerie serves as the secret headquarters and training facility for the Night Hawks. Hidden within the vast, forested grounds of Jared Hawke's estate, the Aerie is an underground bunker, designed to provide the team with a secure and concealed location for their operations.

  1. Entrance: The entrance to the Aerie is camouflaged within the natural landscape, accessible via a hidden door in a cave or rock formation. A sophisticated biometric security system ensures that only authorized team members can enter.

  2. Living Quarters: The Aerie provides comfortable living quarters for each team member, complete with personal spaces and basic amenities. This area serves as a sanctuary for the heroes, allowing them to relax and recuperate between missions.

  3. Training Facilities: The Aerie boasts state-of-the-art training facilities for the Night Hawks, including a gym, combat training rooms, and an obstacle course. Jared Hawke has also installed holographic technology, allowing the team to simulate various combat scenarios and practice against a wide range of foes.

  4. Operations Center: The heart of the Aerie is the operations center, where the Night Hawks gather to plan missions, discuss strategy, and analyze intelligence. The center is equipped with advanced communication and surveillance technology, enabling the team to monitor Nova City and coordinate their activities effectively.

  5. Vehicle Hangar: The Aerie houses a hangar for the Night Hawks' various vehicles, including their stealth aircraft, motorcycles, and other specialized transportation. This area also serves as a workshop for maintaining and upgrading the team's equipment.

  6. Medical Bay: Injuries are an unavoidable part of crime-fighting, so the Aerie includes a well-equipped medical bay to provide the Night Hawks with immediate medical attention when needed. This facility is staffed by a trusted physician or medical AI, ensuring that the heroes receive the best possible care.

  7. Containment Cells: For the rare instances when the Night Hawks need to temporarily detain a captured villain, the Aerie contains a few high-security containment cells. These cells are designed to neutralize various types of powers and abilities, preventing escape attempts.

The Aerie serves as the nerve center of the Night Hawks' operations, providing them with the resources and sanctuary they need to carry out their mission of protecting Nova City.

Jared Hawke and Straightjacket

Jared Hawke and Straightjacket

Jared Hawke and Straightjacket share a complex and tumultuous history. Before Straightjacket became a villain, he was known as Dr. Samuel Kane, a talented psychiatrist working at Elysium Asylum. Dr. Kane had a reputation for his innovative treatment methods, particularly his use of psychic abilities to help his patients.

Jared Hawke, a reclusive billionaire and philanthropist, was one of the major benefactors of Elysium Asylum. He recognized the potential in Dr. Kane's methods and provided him with the funding and resources necessary to further develop his groundbreaking treatments. The two of them established a professional relationship, and Hawke admired Dr. Kane's dedication to helping the mentally ill.

However, Dr. Kane's experiments took a dark turn when he started using his psychic powers to control his patients instead of healing them. His relentless pursuit of power led him to cross ethical boundaries, which eventually resulted in a tragic incident where several patients were harmed. When Jared Hawke discovered the truth, he immediately cut ties with Dr. Kane and withdrew his support for Elysium Asylum.

Feeling betrayed and cornered, Dr. Kane's mental state deteriorated rapidly, and he became the villain known as Straightjacket. Fueled by his resentment towards Hawke and his desire for revenge, Straightjacket turned his psychic powers against the city, using them to manipulate people and orchestrate chaos.

As Straightjacket's actions grew more dangerous, Jared Hawke felt a personal responsibility to stop him. He assembled the Night Hawks, training them in martial arts and crime-fighting to counter the threat posed by Straightjacket and other criminals in Nova City. The connection between Jared Hawke and Straightjacket became a bitter rivalry, as Hawke fought to protect the city and undo the damage caused by his former ally-turned-enemy.

Straitjacket (PL 10)


  • Strength 2

  • Stamina 3

  • Agility 3

  • Dexterity 3

  • Fighting 6

  • Intellect 4

  • Awareness 5

  • Presence 3


  • Acrobatics 5 (+8)

  • Deception 8 (+11)

  • Insight 6 (+11)

  • Intimidation 5 (+8)

  • Investigation 6 (+10)

  • Perception 6 (+11)

  • Stealth 5 (+8)

  • Technology 4 (+8)


  • Psychic Blast: Ranged Damage 10 (Extras: Alternate Resistance [Will], Penetrating 5; Flaws: Distracting)

  • Mind Control: Affliction 10 (1st degree: Dazed, 2nd degree: Compelled, 3rd degree: Controlled, Resisted by: Will, DC 20; Extras: Cumulative, Increased Range 2 [perception])

  • Psychic Shield: Enhanced Trait 5 (Traits: Will +5; Extras: Sustained)


  • Gas Grenades (Affliction 6 [1st degree: Dazed and Vision Impaired, 2nd degree: Stunned and Vision Disabled, 3rd degree: Incapacitated, Resisted by Fortitude; Extras: Area [Cloud], Cumulative; Flaws: Activation [move action], Quirk [Limited Uses])

  • Mind Scrambler (Nullify 10 [Psychic Powers; Extras: Broad, Simultaneous; Flaws: Distracting, Reduced Range [Close], Unreliable [5 uses]])

  • Grappling Hook (Movement 1 [Swinging])

  • Hologram Projector (Illusion 8 [Visual; Flaws: Limited to Simple Images, Removable])

  • EMP Device (Nullify 10 [Electronics; Extras: Area [Burst], Simultaneous; Flaws: Distracting, Reduced Range [Close], Unreliable [5 uses]])


  • Initiative +3

  • Psychic Blast +10 (Ranged, Damage 10, DC 25)

  • Unarmed +6 (Close, Damage 2, DC 17)

  • Mind Control (Perception, Affliction 10, DC Will 20)

  • Gas Grenades (Area, Affliction 6, DC Fort 16)


  • Dodge 8, Parry 8

  • Toughness 3, Fortitude 6, Will 10 (15 with Psychic Shield)


  • Obsession: Straitjacket is driven by an overwhelming desire to prove his power and superiority over others, including both heroes and other villains.

  • Enemy: Straitjacket's activities have made him a prime target for the Nighthawks and other heroes in Nova City.

  • Power Loss: Straitjacket's psychic powers are susceptible to interference or nullification by other psychic or telepathic abilities.

Power Points:

  • Abilities 56 + Skills 23 (46 ranks) + Powers 65 + Equipment 14 + Defenses 18 = Total 176

Samuel Kane and Victor Kane

Samuel Kane and Victor Kane are brothers. While Samuel pursued a career in psychiatry and became the infamous villain Straightjacket, Victor took a different path. Victor Kane became a successful entrepreneur and businessman, amassing significant wealth and influence in Nova City. Despite their shared last name, the two brothers have vastly different personalities and goals, making them an interesting study in contrasts.

While Straightjacket seeks chaos and revenge against those he believes have wronged him, Victor focuses on expanding his business empire and maintaining a public image as a respectable member of Nova City's elite. He is well aware of his brother's criminal activities and has tried to distance himself from the nefarious actions of Straightjacket. However, their shared family history creates a complex dynamic, as Victor struggles to reconcile his feelings of loyalty towards his brother with his own ambitions and desire to protect his reputation.

Victor's connection to Straightjacket remains a closely guarded secret, known only to a few trusted individuals. As the Night Hawks continue their mission to protect Nova City and bring down villains like Straightjacket, it remains to be seen if Victor Kane's relationship with his brother will be exposed and what consequences it could have for both of them.

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