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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Singularity Warlord

Deep within the far reaches of the cosmos, a fearsome conqueror reigns supreme, wielding the terrifying power of black holes to bend the universe to his will.

The Singularity Warlord, a ruthless interstellar tyrant, has harnessed the destructive force of singularities to create devastating weapons and traverse the vast expanses of time and space. His unquenchable thirst for conquest has made him one of the most formidable adversaries in the universe.

The Singularity Warlord's origins are shrouded in mystery, but it is said that he was once a brilliant scientist who made groundbreaking discoveries in the field of black hole research.

Driven by an insatiable lust for power, he delved deeper into the secrets of the cosmos, eventually uncovering the means to harness the energy of singularities and wield it as a weapon.

Utilising his newfound knowledge, the Singularity Warlord constructed his awe-inspiring fortress, the Singularity Citadel, on the edge of a supermassive black hole.

The citadel is a testament to his mastery of singularity technology, as it defies the immense gravitational forces of the black hole, remaining suspended at the event horizon.

From his stronghold, the Warlord commands a vast army of interstellar warriors, each armed with advanced singularity weaponry.

In battle, the Singularity Warlord is a force to be reckoned with.

He manipulates the force of gravity with precision and ease, crushing his enemies beneath the weight of their own mass or tearing them apart with the gravitational forces of miniature black holes.

His mastery of singularity tech allows him to pass through black holes, crossing vast distances in the blink of an eye.

The Singularity Warlord's ultimate goal is to conquer the universe and subjugate all living beings to his will. His relentless pursuit of power has led him to Nova City, where the interlocking wheels and the heroes that protect them present a tantalizing challenge.

As the heroes of Nova City prepare to face this fearsome foe, they must unravel the secrets of singularity technology and find a way to counter the Warlord's seemingly unstoppable power.

The Singularity Warlord cuts an imposing figure, standing at over seven feet tall with an air of authority and power that is impossible to ignore. His muscular physique is clad in a sleek, form-fitting armor made of an unknown, near-indestructible alloy, which is as black as the event horizon of a black hole.

The armor is adorned with intricate, glowing patterns in a deep shade of purple, reminiscent of the swirling energy of a singularity.

His face is hidden behind a featureless, obsidian helmet that completely obscures his facial features, leaving only a pair of piercing, violet eyes visible.

These eyes seem to hold the power of the cosmos within them, reflecting the vastness of the universe and the terrible destructive force of the black holes he commands.

The Singularity Warlord's presence is further accentuated by a flowing, inky-black cape that appears to absorb all light around it, giving him the illusion of being surrounded by a perpetual aura of darkness.

When he moves, the cape shimmers with the same deep purple energy that adorns his armor, as though it were a living extension of the black holes he wields.

In combat, the Singularity Warlord's armor and weapons come to life with a seething, violet energy that crackles and hums with the power of the cosmos.

This awe-inspiring display serves as a reminder of the unstoppable force that the Warlord has harnessed, and the grave threat he poses to all who dare to stand in his way.


Here are the Mutants & Masterminds 3rd Edition stats for the Singularity Warlord:

Name: Singularity Warlord

Power Level: 14


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Agility: 6

Dexterity: 6

Fighting: 10

Intellect: 6

Awareness: 8

Presence: 8


Acrobatics: 4 (+10)

Athletics: 4 (+14)

Close Combat (Unarmed): 2 (+12)

Deception: 6 (+14)

Expertise (Tactics): 10 (+16)

Insight: 6 (+14)

Intimidation: 6 (+14)

Perception: 6 (+14)

Persuasion: 6 (+14)

Ranged Combat (Singularity Weapons): 4 (+10)

Stealth: 4 (+10)

Technology: 8 (+14)


All-out Attack

Benefit (Status: Warlord)





Fast Grab


Improved Grab

Improved Hold



Power Attack

Ranged Attack 4

Takedown 2


Singularity Armor (Protection 10, Impervious Toughness 10, Immunity 10 [Life Support], Removable)

Gravity Manipulation (Array)

Gravity Crush (Affliction 14 [Resisted by Dodge; Hindered and Vulnerable, Defenseless and Immobilized], Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Ranged, Cumulative, Accurate 3)

Singularity Blast (Damage 14, Ranged, Penetrating, Accurate 3)

Gravity Shield (Deflect 14, Ranged, Redirection, Reflect)

Flight (Flight 8, Speed: 500 miles/hour, 1 mile/round)


Initiative: +6

Unarmed: +12 (Close, Damage 10)

Singularity Blast: +13 (Ranged, Damage 14)

Gravity Crush: +13 (Ranged, Affliction 14)


Dodge: 14

Parry: 14

Fortitude: 14

Toughness: 20 (Impervious 10)

Will: 14

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