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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Vanishing

(Warning: Spoilers ahead - if you are playing any of season one of Nova City Heroes, this article contains spoilers)

At the stroke of midnight on January 14th, 2023, the world was forever changed. The event, known as the Vanishing, was caused by a sinister being known as the Void Emperor, who exploited dimensional weaknesses around Nova City to allow Trion Particles, also known as Gold Dust, into our universe.

The Trion Particles spread rapidly across the earth and beyond, attaching themselves to unsuspecting heroes who had receptive DNA, which the vast majority of super-powered individuals possess. The particles transported them to the Endless Dark, a dimension outside of space and time, where the Void Emperor's power was absolute.

The heroes were trapped in the Endless Dark, unable to escape or return to Reality Prime. The Void Emperor's plan was to leave the Nine Wheels in Nova City undefended, allowing him to conquer the city and expand his influence across the world.

As news of the Vanishing spread, panic and chaos erupted across the world. The loss of so many heroes left the world vulnerable to attacks from villains and other threats. The public looked to the remaining heroes for guidance and protection, but even they were struggling to come to terms with the enormity of what had happened.

Meanwhile, those left behind in Nova City were reeling from the loss of their loved ones and the destruction wrought by the Void Emperor's forces. The city was in ruins, and the survivors were struggling to rebuild and find a way to fight back against the powerful being that had caused so much devastation.

As time passed, the world began to adapt to the new reality. New heroes emerged to take up the mantle of those who had vanished, while the surviving heroes worked tirelessly to find a way to rescue their comrades from the Endless Dark.

Despite their efforts, the heroes were unable to break through the barriers that the Void Emperor had erected around the Endless Dark. It seemed as though their comrades were lost forever, trapped in a dimension beyond their reach.

But hope remained. Rumors began to circulate about a group of heroes (Hammerfist, Blink and Tyrus) who had managed to escape the Endless Dark and return to Reality Prime. These heroes became known as the Vanished, and their return gave hope to those still trapped in the Endless Dark.

The Vanished revealed that they had found a way to weaken the barriers between the dimensions, allowing them to escape. They had also discovered the truth about the Void Emperor's plans, and they knew that he must be stopped at all costs. The three emerged at Star City in the Great Plains and were pursued by Loroth the Hunter, one of the Void Emperor's most terrifying and dedicated minions, whom they eventually defeated (Loroth's Head is frozen in a secret FALCON base).

With the help of the Vanished, the remaining heroes prepared for a final showdown with the Void Emperor. The fate of the world hung in the balance as the heroes faced off against the powerful being who had caused so much destruction and pain.

In the end, the heroes emerged victorious, thanks in part to the sacrifice of the Vanished, who gave their lives in the final battle to weaken the Void Emperor's power. With the threat of the Void Emperor neutralized, the heroes were able to rescue those trapped in the Endless Dark and bring them home.

The Vanishing had forever changed the world, but it had also shown the strength and resilience of the human spirit. The heroes had faced impossible odds and emerged victorious, proving that even in the darkest of times, hope and courage can prevail.

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