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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

The Void Emperor - Ruler of the Endless Dark

In the unfathomable depths of the multiverse, a realm of darkness and chaos exists parallel to our own. This is the domain of the Void Emperor, the Ruler of the Endless Dark, a being of unimaginable power and malevolence whose influence spans across countless dimensions.

Little is known about the Void Emperor's origins but some dimensional theorists trace it back to a cataclysmic event that fractured the fabric of reality, tearing open the barriers between dimensions. As the rifts expanded, a vast and unexplored realm formed, fuelled by the residual energy of creation and destruction. From the chaotic energy of this new dimension, a consciousness began to coalesce, born from the darkness and chaos that surrounded it.

This entity, now known as the Void Emperor, grew and became self-aware, desiring power and control over the infinite dimensions that lay before it. It forged a vast empire within the Endless Dark, a place untouched by the light of any universe, and commanded legions of interdimensional creatures born from the very essence of his being. As it looked beyond the confines of its own realm, it discovered other realities to conquer and began to build an empire. Countless other realities have now fallen to the emperor and his void or darkness has spread. Cold, calculating and hungry for power over all things, he uses any device he can to rip realities apart.

The Endless Dark is a realm that defies description, a twisted and chaotic expanse where the usual laws of time, space, and reality hold little sway. It is a place where darkness and malice reign supreme, and where the Void Emperor's power is at its zenith. The landscape is a constantly shifting tapestry of nightmares, with blackened skies and swirling, malevolent energies suffusing the atmosphere.

The air is thick with the screams of tormented souls, and the very ground seems to hunger for the light and life of other dimensions. Within this realm, the Void Emperor has gathered a host of sinister and powerful servants to do his bidding. Chief among them are the Shadow Lords, elite lieutenants who have pledged their loyalty to the Emperor in exchange for a taste of his vast power. Each Shadow Lord is a master of dark magic, commanding legions of lesser beings that exist solely to sow terror and destruction in their master's name.

The Void Emperor's army also includes the Devourers, monstrous beings that feed on the life force of entire worlds. Their insatiable hunger drives them ever forward, consuming all in their path and leaving behind only barren wastelands devoid of life. These voracious creatures are the perfect tools for the Emperor's plan to collapse the multiverse into a single, endless void under his dominion.

In addition to these terrifying beings, the Void Emperor commands countless other horrors from the Endless Dark. Among them are the Soul Reapers, spectral entities that harvest the souls of the living and the dead alike, adding to the Emperor's ever-growing power. There are also the Whisperers, elusive beings that use their insidious influence to sow doubt and discord among the forces of good, weakening their resolve and paving the way for the Endless Dark's relentless advance.

As his influence grows, the Void Emperor's legend reaches even the farthest corners of existence. Heroes from countless dimensions have heard whispers of his malevolent plans and must now unite to face this interdimensional threat. The fate of the multiverse hangs in the balance, and the battle against the darkness transcends any single universe. Together, they must confront the Void Emperor and stop the relentless march of the Endless Dark.

GM's note - when the Void Emperor is in the Endless Dark he is virtually indestructible, the stats below represent the emperor's powers when he leaves the Dark for other worlds to conquer. He is still a very formidable opponent but there is some chance that he can be defeated.

Name: The Void Emperor Power Level: 20 Abilities:

  • Strength: 16 (+3)

  • Agility: 14 (+2)

  • Fighting: 16 (+3)

  • Awareness: 18 (+4)

  • Stamina: 16 (+3)

  • Dexterity: 14 (+2)

  • Intellect: 18 (+4)

  • Presence: 20 (+5)


  • Deception: 16 (+21)

  • Intimidation: 16 (+21)

  • Perception: 14 (+18)

  • Expertise (Arcane Lore): 16 (+20)

  • Expertise (Cosmology): 16 (+20)

  • Expertise (Tactics): 14 (+18)


Dark Energy Control: Array (50 points)

  • Energy Blast: Ranged Damage 20

  • Energy Construct: Create 20

  • Energy Drain: Weaken Stamina 20, Ranged, Affects Insubstantial 2

  • Dimensional Rift: Movement 3 (Dimensional Travel)

  • Immortality: Immortality 10 (Return after 1 day)

  • Regeneration: Regeneration 10 (Recover 1 point per round)

  • Mind Control: Mind Control 20

  • Summon Minions: Summon 14 (Multiple Minions 4, Horde, Controlled, Sacrificial, Variable Type 2)

  • Impervious Toughness: Impervious Toughness 20


  • Dodge: 16

  • Parry: 16

  • Fortitude: 18

  • Toughness: 18

  • Will: 18


  • Initiative: +2

  • Energy Blast: +16, Ranged Damage 20

  • Unarmed: +16, Close Damage 3

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