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  • Writer's pictureNick Shepley

Xanara the Shadowmancer

In the darkest corners of the cosmos, where the chilling grasp of the Endless Dark extends its influence, a formidable and enigmatic figure carries the word of her master to realms he seeks to conquer. Xanara the Shadowmancer, the Void Emperor's most trusted emissary, is a force to be reckoned with. Cunning and manipulative, she serves her master with unwavering loyalty, sowing chaos and discord wherever she goes.

Xanara's origins are shrouded in mystery, but her mastery over shadow manipulation and void magic is undeniable. Possessing the ability to bend darkness to her will, Xanara can create tangible constructs out of shadows, conceal herself in the inky blackness, and harness the power of the void to teleport vast distances. Her skill in mind control and telekinesis only adds to the threat she poses, making her a dangerous opponent for even the most seasoned heroes.

As the emissary of the Void Emperor, Xanara plays a crucial role in furthering his dark agenda. Her devious machinations and formidable powers make her a constant thorn in the side of those who stand against the Endless Dark, leaving chaos and destruction in her wake. In this post, we delve into the sinister background, abilities, and motivations of Xanara the Shadowmancer, one of the most fearsome villains in the Novaverse.


Xanara was once a powerful sorceress who sought to increase her magical abilities through the study of dark and forbidden arts. Her quest for power eventually led her to the Endless Dark, where she came into contact with the Void Emperor. Seduced by his promises of unimaginable power and influence, Xanara willingly submitted to his will, becoming a conduit for the Void Emperor's dark energies and his loyal emissary. The Void Emperor, sensing her growing power, wanted to teach Xanara a lesson in loyalty and tore out one of her eyes, replacing it with an orb that allows him to see everything she sees. Over many centuries she had perfected magic to disrupt the orb for short periods of time.


Xanara the Shadowborn appears as a tall, slender woman with unnaturally pale skin and long, flowing raven-black hair. Her replacement eye is an eerie shade of purple, and they seem to glow with an inner light. She wears pale, flowing robes adorned with symbols of the Void Emperor, and a silver amulet in the shape of a black hole hangs from her neck. Her presence is both alluring and terrifying, as she exudes an aura of darkness and raw power.

Powers and Abilities

As an emissary of the Void Emperor, Xanara has gained access to immense dark energies, which she can use to perform devastating attacks and powerful spells. Her abilities include:

  1. Shadow Manipulation: Xanara can manipulate shadows to create constructs, such as weapons, barriers, or tendrils, as well as to hide herself or others from sight.

  2. Void Magic: Xanara can tap into the power of the Endless Dark to cast powerful spells, including teleportation, energy blasts, and summoning minions from the depths of the void.

  3. Mind Control: Xanara's connection to the Void Emperor allows her to dominate the minds of weaker beings, bending them to her will.

  4. Regeneration: Xanara's body is infused with the Void Emperor's dark energies, granting her the ability to heal rapidly from injuries.

  5. Telekinesis: Xanara can move objects or people with the power of her mind, allowing her to control her environment and manipulate her foes.

Motivation: Xanara's primary goal is to serve the Void Emperor and further his plans for conquest and domination. She is utterly devoted to her master and will stop at nothing to achieve his goals, using her intelligence, cunning, and considerable power to manipulate events and people to his advantage. Ultimately, she seeks to bring the entire universe under the sway of the Endless Dark and to bask in the dark glory of her master's rule. Xanara the Shadowborn

Power Level PL10 . Abilities: Strength 2, Stamina 3, Agility 4, Dexterity 4, Fighting 4, Intellect 4, Awareness 6, Presence 6 Powers:

Shadow Manipulation:

  • Create: Rank 8, Movable, Precise

  • Concealment: Rank 2, All Visual Senses, Limited to Shadows

Void Magic:

  • Array:

    • Teleportation: Rank 6, Extended, Change Direction, Change Velocity, Accurate

    • Energy Blast: Rank 10, Ranged, Multiattack

    • Summon Minions: Rank 6, Multiple Minions 2 (3 minions), Controlled

Mind Control:

  • Affliction: Rank 10, Will, Ranged, Cumulative, Limited Degree (Controlled), Subtle


  • Regeneration: Rank 5, Persistent


  • Move Object: Rank 8, Precise, Subtle

Advantages: Attractive, Benefit (Status: Void Emperor's Emissary), Fascinate (Persuasion), Languages 2, Ritualist, Skill Mastery (Expertise: Magic) Skills: Acrobatics 4 (+8), Athletics 4 (+6), Deception 6 (+12), Expertise: Magic 8 (+12), Insight 6 (+12), Intimidation 6 (+12), Investigation 4 (+8), Perception 6 (+12), Persuasion 6 (+12), Stealth 4 (+8) Defenses: Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 6, Toughness 3, Will 10 Offense: Initiative +4 Energy Blast: +10, Damage 10, Ranged Mind Control: +10, Affliction 10, Will, Ranged Unarmed: +4, Damage 2, Close Power Points: Abilities 66 + Powers 76 + Advantages 7 + Skills 30 + Defenses 21 = Total 200

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